The video’s dance sequences were choreographed by Longi (Slumdog Millionaire), who worked on the project pro bono, as did the entire cast. Jaitly sings a new version of the 1979 Bollywood classic, Uthe Sab Ke Kadam, remixed by Neeraj Shreedhar of the Bombay Vikings. The Welcome tells the story of a young man who brings his boyfriend home to meet his family for the first time. The video release and press conference mark the Free and Equal campaign’s launch in India, following its inaugural kick off last year in South Africa. Unveiled at a press conference in India’s second-largest city to promote the Organization’s Free and Equal campaign championing equality for LGBT people and an end to homophobia, the two-and-a-half-minute clip stars Bollywood actress and former Miss India Celina Jaitly, who makes her musical debut in the clip and was last year nominated by the High Commissioner for Human Rights as a UN Equality Champion in recognition of her support for LGBT rights.